Message Broker v8 with MySQL
by Anton Piatek
Now that you know that you can use Message Broker v8 on Ubuntu for development, you may be wondering if you can use some of the databases that are more common on Linux, such as MySQL. You can!
IBM WebSphere Message Broker now uses UnixODBC to connect to many databases. Though not supported by IBM, you can actually connect to MySQL from Message Broker using UnixODBC.
If you are on Ubuntu, you can install the MySQL UnixODBC dirver and the MySQL server with apt-get:
apt-get install libmyodbc mysql-server
Your environment variable $ODBCINI should point to your odbc.ini, mine points to /var/mqsi/odbc/odbc.ini and the base file was copied from /opt/IBM/mqsi/
You need to set a database definition for a mysql database, something like the following (assuming “wmb” is the name of your MySQL database created later)
[MYSQL] Description = MYSQL DB Driver = MySQL Database = wmb Server = Port = 3306
You also need to make sure your $ODBCSYSINI points to the folder (not the file) where your odbcinst.ini file has been copied to. Mine is set to /var/mqsi/odbc and the odbcinst.ini file was copied from /opt/mqsi/, you also need to add a definition to explain to UnixODBC how to connect to a mysql database
The following should be enough to get UnixODBC working with MySQL
#Sample from package libmyodbc [MySQL] Description = MySQL driver Driver = /usr/lib/odbc/ Setup = /usr/lib/odbc/ CPTimeout = CPReuse =
Now create a mysql database (mysqladmin create wmb). You may need to GRANT some permissions to your user in MySQL, or add yourself to the mysql group and logout and back in again.
You can now check the database connection using the WMB mqsicvp command, which will also describe which database functions are available:
mqsicvp -n MYSQL -u anton -p password
BIP8270I: Connected to Datasource 'MYSQL' as user 'anton'. The datasource platform is 'MySQL', version '5.1.58-1ubuntu1'. =========================== databaseProviderVersion = 5.1.58-1ubuntu1 driverVersion = 05.01.0006 driverOdbcVersion = 03.51 driverManagerVersion = 03.52.0002.0002 driverManagerOdbcVersion = 03.52 databaseProviderName = MySQL datasourceServerName = via TCP/IP databaseName = wmb odbcDatasourceName = MYSQL driverName = supportsStoredProcedures = Yes procedureTerm = stored procedure accessibleTables = No accessibleProcedures = No identifierQuote = ` specialCharacters = None describeParameter = No schemaTerm = tableTerm = table sqlSubqueries = 31 activeEnvironments = 0 maxDriverConnections = 0 maxCatalogNameLength = 192 maxColumnNameLength = 192 maxSchemaNameLength = 0 maxStatementLength = 8192 maxTableNameLength = 192 supportsDecimalType = Yes supportsDateType = Yes supportsTimeType = No supportsTimeStampType = No supportsIntervalType = No supportsAbsFunction = Yes supportsAcosFunction = Yes supportsAsinFunction = Yes supportsAtanFunction = Yes supportsAtan2Function = Yes supportsCeilingFunction = Yes supportsCosFunction = Yes supportsCotFunction = Yes supportsDegreesFunction = Yes supportsExpFunction = Yes supportsFloorFunction = Yes supportsLogFunction = Yes supportsLog10Function = Yes supportsModFunction = Yes supportsPiFunction = Yes supportsPowerFunction = Yes supportsRadiansFunction = Yes supportsRandFunction = Yes supportsRoundFunction = Yes supportsSignFunction = Yes supportsSinFunction = Yes supportsSqrtFunction = Yes supportsTanFunction = Yes supportsTruncateFunction = Yes supportsConcatFunction = Yes supportsInsertFunction = Yes supportsLcaseFunction = Yes supportsLeftFunction = Yes supportsLengthFunction = Yes supportsLTrimFunction = Yes supportsPositionFunction = Yes supportsRepeatFunction = Yes supportsReplaceFunction = Yes supportsRightFunction = Yes supportsRTrimFunction = Yes supportsSpaceFunction = Yes supportsSubstringFunction = Yes supportsUcaseFunction = Yes supportsExtractFunction = Yes supportsCaseExpression = Yes supportsCastFunction = Yes supportsCoalesceFunction = Yes supportsNullIfFunction = Yes supportsConvertFunction = No supportsSumFunction = Yes supportsMaxFunction = Yes supportsMinFunction = Yes supportsCountFunction = Yes supportsBetweenPredicate = Yes supportsExistsPredicate = Yes supportsInPredicate = Yes supportsLikePredicate = Yes supportsNullPredicate = Yes supportsNotNullPredicate = Yes supportsLikeEscapeClause = Yes supportsClobType = Yes supportsBlobType = Yes charDatatypeName = char varCharDatatypeName = varchar longVarCharDatatypeName = long varchar clobDatatypeName = N/A timeStampDatatypeName = N/A binaryDatatypeName = binary varBinaryDatatypeName = varbinary longVarBinaryDatatypeName = long varbinary blobDatatypeName = N/A intDatatypeName = integer doubleDatatypeName = double varCharMaxLength = 0 longVarCharMaxLength = 0 clobMaxLength = 0 varBinaryMaxLength = 0 longVarBinaryMaxLength = 0 blobMaxLength = 0 timeStampMaxLength = 0 identifierCase = Mixed escapeCharacter = \ longVarCharDatatype = -1 clobDatatype = 0 longVarBinaryDatatype = -4 blobDatatype = 0 BIP8273I: The following datatypes and functions are not natively supported by datasource 'MYSQL' using this ODBC driver: Unsupported datatypes: 'TIME, TIMESTAMP, INTERVAL' Unsupported functions: 'CONVERT'
Examine the specific datatypes and functions not supported natively by this datasource using this ODBC driver. When using these datatypes and functions within ESQL, the associated data processing is done within WebSphere Message Broker rather than being processed by the database provider. Note that "functions" within this message can refer to functions or predicates. BIP8071I: Successful command completion.
There – done! Now you can use MySQL with WebSphere Message Broker on Ubuntu. Don’t forget to set the database password with mqsisetdbparms before trying to actually connect from your database nodes.
Also, the name of the database according to WMB is “MYSQL” as that is what I defined in the odbc.ini. The name of the database according to mysql is “wmb”. They don’t need to be different, but it might help having unique names if you are trying to track down a database connection issue.
Of course, the mysql database server does not need to be local to the broker – The mysql odbc driver should allow you connect to any accessible tcpip mysql server.
tags: database - IBM - messagebroker - mysql - odbc - wmb